Tourist Information Portal of the Olomouc Region

You’re invited to the Jeseníky Mts and Haná Region

Accept our invitation to Central Moravia, a lovely region full of cultural monuments and natural wonders.

Visit the historic centres of Olomouc, Šternberk, and Prostějov. The castles, chateaus, and caves near Litovel and Hranice. Wherever you go, you can choose from a wide selection of social and cultural events.

The Jeseníky Mts offer all you can ask from a proper vacation. Beautiful nature, clean fresh air, groomed footpaths and cycling routes, countless number of accommodation possibilities of various types, and pleasant relaxation in aquaparks and thermal spas.

The Moravian Gate
Foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains
Šumperk area
Jeseník area
The City of Olomouc

Events calendar

nám. TGM
místní akce
09.03.2025 od 15:00
09.03.2025 od 15:00
Muzeum Komenského
výstava, vernisáž
24.01. - 09.03.2025
24.01. - 09.03.2025
Kavárna KD ECHO Lipník nad Bečvou
All events